Eco-Green Solutions

Dr. Zhang, Founder
Dr. Zhang is the founder and president of BioEchem, LLC. A National Science Foundation awardee, Dr. Zhang earned grants for her work from the microbial catalyst on the cathode electrode. She was awarded the Edson Grant Award for her work on the Spatial Analytical Microbial Imaging (SAMI) tool, an NSF grant towards the Microbial Fuel Cell cathode electrode, and a DOE grant from the Biological Microbattery. Dr. Zhang worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the UMass Amherst Microbiology Department and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) before founding BioEchem. Dr. Zhang completed her PhD in CEE focusing on microbiology, environmental, and related engineering technologies. By the end of 2022, She had filed and owned 7 major patents in multiple industries of renewable energy and sustainable technologies.

About Us
BioEchem, LLC was founded in 2014. Since our founding, we have promoted renewable energy, carbon fixation, and environmental and sustainability related projects. We aim to create sustainable solutions to solve critical global environmental and health concerns. We provide consultations for environmental technology related problems. So far we have obtained a total of 7 applied and awarded patents. Our company uses our patented technologies to support ongoing educational projects as well as animal tracking for marine wildlife. We have developed a K-12 STEM education kit based on the Biological Battery and microbial imaging analysis tool, Spatial Analytical Microbial Imaging. It is our hope to inspire the younger generations to explore environmental science and learn about the potentials of science, math, and engineering in the application of environmental problems and sustainable technology.